You are Important to GOD!

You Have A Purpose!

Our Purpose

Many people wonder, “What is my Purpose?” It is our belief that each and every one of us have a Purpose. A Purpose that we all have is to lead as many people to CHRIST as possible. Whatever you do for the Kingdom of GOD is just as important as what the Preacher, Teacher, Bishop or Evangelist does. If it is all to Glorify GOD.

What Can I do in the Church?

There are many things you can get involved in. You can start by asking the Pastor, or other people who are in the Church in a position to know, “what are the needs of the Church?” There are many ministries in the Church, from singing in the Choir to volunteering services in the Church and in the community.

We can also act as a Sponsor for a New Born CHRISTian. We can make ourselves available to visit or call the sick or those that are going through trials. We can offer to make a meal for the sick and/or the shut-in. We can pray for others that need prayer. We can help with Bible Studies, Sunday School Lessons and so forth. We must always be willing to do whatever is needed, because we do these acts for the LORD and not for man. All of these acts can make people more open to the witnessing of CHRIST JESUS.

Staying Involved

We can continue to attend Bible Studies, Groups, Sunday Schools and other programs that the Church offers. Remembering these two things. One, you might be the only Bible people will ever read; and two, you cannot lead anyone closer to CHRIST than you are.