How Do I Give My Life to CHRIST?

Believe it or not there are people sitting in Church week after week pondering this very question.  Sometimes people who are saved actually question if they are saved.  Giving your life to CHRIST is not a hard thing to do.  You cannot earn it – for we are never worthy of salvation and know that we were bought with a price JESUS Paid for you and I and everyone. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says, “For ye are bought with a Price: therefore Glorify GOD in your body, and in your Spirit, which are GOD’S”.

Some people believe that there are certain sins that GOD cannot and will not forgive.  My brothers and sisters, GOD’S arms are not so short that he cannot reach any of us.  There is no sin that GOD will not forgive, except one: Blaspheming the HOLY SPIRIT.  That is the only sin that cannot be forgiven. (Isaiah 59:1-2 – Matthew 12:31)

The Bible actually tells us that we are all sinners and fall short of GOD’S glory.  This means that all of us are sinners – every single one of us. And if it was not for the blood of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, we would be doomed. (Romans 3:23 – 1 John 1:8-10) 

Even if you consider yourself a “really good person”, without Salvation (accepting JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOR) you will not see heaven.  We must confess our sins and repent and believe in the atonement of JESUS CHRIST.  The following steps lay out the process on how to give your life to CHRIST. (Revelation 21:27 – John 3:15-21)


  1. If possible, go to a quiet place.
  2. If you are able, get on your knees.
  3. Close the world out of your mind and your ears.  
  4. Take a deep breath and allow the SPIRIT of the LORD to enter in.  
  5. With all of your heart, soul and mind – say these words:  FATHER GOD, in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS CHRIST YOUR only Beloved, Begotten SON.  LORD, I am asking for forgiveness of all of my sins; those I know of and those I don’t know of.  LORD, I am asking YOU to come into my heart and my life.  I don’t want to be without you anymore.  LORD, I believe that JESUS CHRIST died on the cross for my sins, was buried in a tomb and was raised again in 3 days that I might be saved.  LORD, please show me the way – show me how to get to know you more and more, in the Mighty NAME of JESUS I pray.  

You are now saved.  If you do not say these exact words that is alright.  Just ask GOD, with all of your heart, for forgiveness of your sins and accept that JESUS lived so that HE would die for you and that HE rose again in 3 days.  Believe that JESUS is the SON of the only True GOD. The rest will come.  

Please, my brother or sister – find a GODfearing Church to become involved with.  It is important with your walk with CHRIST to have a believer sponsorship.  People who can help you on your journey. It is not unusual to get very frustrated after giving your life to CHRIST because many do, because they have false expectations.  Some people believe that they will quit smoking immediately, quit cussing immediately, and quit a lot of things they are doing wrong.  The truth is for some they will quit doing wrong things right away; while some of us it will take a little while longer.  However, this does not mean that you are not saved – just because you fall off of the bike – you don’t quit – you get up and you try again.  Some people believe you are supposed to be perfect – NO WAY!  Only JESUS CHRIST upon this earth was perfect.  As children of GOD, we will still struggle with our flesh and sin; but as it turns out, we will get better with time and as our relationship in CHRIST JESUS grows.  

If you want more information or if you want someone to contact you.  Please complete the below form and submit. 

Now, may the LORD bless thee and keep thee:  May the LORD make HIS face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: May the LORD lift up HIS countenance upon thee and give thee peace. In JESUS’s NAME we pray.  (Numbers 6:24-26)  Amen