Pastor Bobbi Cloyd would like to Welcome all to Our LORD’S Church. Pastor Bobbi says the best thing that ever happened in her life was to truly find JESUS and surrender her life to HIM – to have a personal relationship with the LORD. Pastor Bobbi has heard of GOD all of her life since she comes from a background of believers in JESUS CHRIST. However, until she truly surrendered her life, her will, her heart and her mind to the LORD she did not have a personal relationship with GOD or our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

As a matter of fact Pastor Bobbi will tell you of her testimony where she actually lost her faith in GOD. Which she will tell you is the worse thing that she ever did. Pastor Bobbi loves the LORD with her all – she is so grateful that the LORD reached down and saved her out of a miry pit. Because of where Pastor Bobbi has been she is able to understand life a little better and people’s relationship with GOD without judgement. Pastor Bobbi will tell you there was a time in her life like the Apostle Paul she considered herself a “Chief of Sinners.”

Pastor Bobbi was called by the LORD in 1993 or 1994 to preach the gospel. At this time Pastor Bobbi actually ran from the LORD for another 10 years before she finally surrendered to the call of GOD upon her life. Pastor Bobbi will be the first one to tell you GOD can use anyone. GOD can turn any situation around. That GOD can save even what some might consider the worst of us. That GOD is in the changing life and changing hearts business. That GOD will never give up on us no matter what – for HE will never leave us nor forsake us. Because GOD never left her or forsook her through it all. Since GOD has no partiality for any person. What HE did for Pastor Bobbi HE can do for anyone if you give HIM the chance.

Pastor Bobbi will tell you that she never preaches, but it is the HOLY SPIRIT within her that preaches. Pastor Bobbi believes that we are to preach the WORD in season and out of season. This means no one should be quoting from a few verses from the Bible and preaching an entire hour without referencing the WORD of GOD throughout the message. How can you preach a message from GOD when HIS WORD is not in it?

Pastor Bobbi believes that we are truly living in perilous times and it is time for us to choose our GOD this day. Pastor Bobbi has committed the rest of her life to the LORD to preach and teach the Gospel as it is written in the Holy Bible (King James Version) with the goal of telling as many as she can about CHRIST JESUS. And the LORD told Pastor Bobbi when others ask you who you are – you are to say – I am “Preaching the Kingdom of GOD, and teaching those things which concern the LORD JESUS CHRIST, with all confidence, no man forbidding him (her).” (Acts 28:31)

Pastor Bobbi said this is her continual prayer:

LORD please help me to be less like this world and more like YOU. LORD please help me to be the person YOU called me to be. LORD please help me to see the good in all people and situations. LORD please help me to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to guide me through this tedious journey. LORD please help me to remain righteous without blemishing my testimony. LORD please help me to pray for those who despitefully use me and not curse them. LORD please help me to be all that YOUR Good WORD says that I should be. i surrender my everything to you, my all. Let there be nothing of me left – only what is of YOU! Let others see YOUR light in me. Carry my feet to do YOUR Will – not my will. In JESUS NAME i pray. i profess this before men so that i may be accountable from this day forward to serve only YOU. In JESUS NAME. Amen.

Pastor Bobbi said you will know her by her fruits. Thank YOU JESUS!